Computational semantics: final assignment

Table of Contents

1. Overview

This is the final assignment for this class. I've tried my best to make it short and sweet! It asks you to add some new functionality to existing Haskell code that implements our probabilistic programming DSL for finite distributions, by extending it with continuous distributions. Doing this allows us to model the semantics of, e.g., gradable adjectives, which introduce degrees, and the like. There will be design choices that you have to make along the way, which require thinking precisely both about the compositional semantics of English and the types of information which need to be encoded in lexical meanings. As usual, inference judgments are our guide: the information we encode in lexical meanings is there to help us characterize these judgments, while our probabilistic interface allows us to account for nuanced aspects of inference, like vagueness, as well as some sophisticated aspects of pragmatic reasoning (as here, for instance).

To start, you should clone this repo by doing

git clone --recurse-submodules

in your terminal and opening up Assignment.hs in the /src directory. You should enter your answers in this file, as well as Term.hs, and when you're done, zip the whole repository and send it to me. Please, make sure everything compiles before you do.

2. Making things intensional

To start out, we're going to adopt a new interpretation scheme for English, by interpreting English sentences as intensions instead of as extensions (as we had been doing previously). That is, we want the semantic types of sentences to be \(i → t\), rather than \(t\); and more generally, anytime an expression's semantic type had an occurence of \(t\) somewhere in it according to our old interpretation scheme, we want it to now have an occurrence of \(i → t\) instead.

The reason for this change is that you are going to add a vague predicate, tall, to your English fragment, and in order for such predicates to be given a probabilistic, vague semantics, they need access to a degree representing their standard threshold; that is, the contextually determined degree representing how tall one needs to be, in order to be considered "tall". You are going to need to provide this information about the degree threshold in a new encoding of possible worlds, which you will implement. So in order for the predicate to gain access to information about its standard threshold, it will be useful to interpret it as a function of type \(e → i → t\).

Recall our old definition of semantic types (introduced here).

type family SemType (c :: Cat) where
  SemType NP = E
  SemType N = E :-> T
  SemType S = T
  SemType (c1 :\: c2) = SemType c1 :-> SemType c2
  SemType (c2 :/: c1) = SemType c1 :-> SemType c2

2.1. Exercise 1

Un-comment lines 100–105 in Assignment.hs and fill out the new definition of SemType there, following the specification given informally above.

2.2. Exercise 2

Un-comment line 38 in Terms.hs and fill out the type signature for the λ-calculus constant Tall, taking into account the new intensional interpretation scheme. Do the same for the constant called SleepInt on line 37, which is meant to encode an intensionalized variant of the extensional constant Sleep.

2.3. Exercise 3

Un-comment lines 91 and 94 of Assignment.hs and provide syntactic analyses of the sentences carina is tall and julian is tall, respectively. You can consider is tall a single word, if you like. Make sure to also uncomment the type signatures above these lines, and make sure your result is well typed (i.e., that it compiles).

2.4. Exercise 4

Un-comment lines 108–119 of Assignment.hs and provide interpretations in the λ-calculus for the words sleeps and is tall compatible with the type signature of interpWord. Note that we are still working within a continuation semantics (following these notes). But crucially, continuations are now of type \(α → i → t\), instead of type \(α → t\), and continuized meanings are correspondingly now of type \((α → i → t) → i → t\), rather than \((α → t) → t\).

You can now also un-comment lines 122–125, which define interpExpr, thus providing the compositional semantics for complex English expressions.

2.5. Exercise 5

Un-comment lines 128–129 in Assignment.hs and provide a definition of lower which matches the type signature it is given. You can see what our old definition of lower was here.

You should now also be able to un-comment lines 132–133, which provides a new definition of the convenience function interpS.

3. Assigning new interpretations to λ-terms

This section asks you to define various aspects of the interpretation scheme mapping probabilistic programs in the λ-calculus onto Haskell functions that query probability distributions.

3.1. Exercise 6

First, we need to update the type family Domain, which maps λ-calculus types onto Haskell types. This type family is defined on lines 144–153 in Assignment.hs, with the line interpreting the type I of possible worlds commented. Un-comment this line, and replace the underscore _ with the Haskell type you think should implement possible worlds!

Note that we need possible worlds to carry two types of information: (1) what facts (i.e., formulae) are true at any given world, and (2) what degree threshold should be used to evaluate the meaning of the adjective tall. Note that we can represent degrees as real numbers, which in Haskell may be encoded as the type Double.

Don't worry about the type wrapper Probabilistic which floats around in various places in the definition of Domain. This wrapper is required by the imported Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) DSL (which is available on GitHub here). It effectively allows the type it wraps to be sampled from a probability distribution. Since you will use an encoding of background knowledge that allows values of atomic types to be sampled, such types require this wrapper.

Because expressions of English will not themselves be interpreted directly as probabilistic programs, but rather evaluated against a probabilistic model of background knowledge, the interpretation scheme for English meanings doesn't involve the Probabilistic wrapper. This interpretation scheme is given by DomainNL on lines 156–164. You should also un-comment line 159 and provide your type encoding possible worlds there, as well.

3.2. Exercise 7

Un-comment lines 166–184 of Assignment.hs and provide a definition for the constant Tall by editing line 183, inside the where block. Note that the interpretation of SleepInt is already done for you and might provide a useful reference.

You can (and probably should) use the convenience function height on lines 86–88 in your definition of tall. I made both Carina and Julian 68 inches tall, which is accurate for Julian, but may or may not be accurate for Carina.

It would now be worth un-commenting lines 186–191, which define interpTermNL, as well as lines 194–195, which define interpClosedTermNL. The former provides interpretations of English meanings into Haskell, while the latter is similar, but only for closed terms.

Finally, you should now also un-comment lines 198–232, lines 238–247, and lines 250–251. These functions are similar to their NL variants, but provide interpretations of λ-terms into Haskell functions which can form components of probabilistic programs written in the MCMC DSL.

3.3. Exercise 8

Un-comment lines 253–254 in Assignment.hs and fill in the definition of exercise8 with a λ-term characterizing a probabilistic program which samples a possible world from the context, observes that the sentence carina is tall is true at that possible world, and then returns the possible world.

3.4. Exercise 9

Un-comment lines 256–257 in Assignment.hs and fill in the definition of exercise9 with a λ-term characterizing a probabilistic program which samples a possible world from exercise8 and returns a term of type T expressing that the sentence julian is tall is true at that possible world.

3.5. Exercise 10

Un-comment lines 259–260 in Assignment.hs and evaluate exercise10, which computes the probability associated with (the interpretation of) exercise9, by drawing 100,000 samples.

3.6. Exercise 11

Have a fun holiday break!

Author: Julian Grove

Created: 2023-12-20 Wed 14:54
