Combining continuation semantics and theorem proving

Table of Contents

1. Interpreting λ-calculus into first-order logic

In previous notes, we showed one way of rendering λ-terms as first-order logic formulae. There, we translated terms of type E as FOL.Term's and terms of any other type as FOL.Form's. In this set of notes, we'll do this in a somewhat different fashion; in particular, by using a homomorphism from λ-calculus terms to Haskell functions. We do this by relying on a type homomorphism, encoded as the type family Domain:

type family Domain:: Type) where
  Domain E = FOL.Term
  Domain T = FOL.Form
  Domain:-> β) = Domain α -> Domain β
  Domain:/\ β) (Domain α, Domain β)

Having a determined which λ-calculus types should get mapped to which Haskell types, we can start encoding an interpretation of constants, that is, before we get to λ-terms themselves. Given the set of constants

data Constant:: Type) where
  Forall :: Constant ((E :-> T) :-> T)
  Exists :: Constant ((E :-> T) :-> T)
  And :: Constant (T :-> (T :-> T))
  Or :: Constant (T :-> (T :-> T))
  Imp :: Constant (T :-> (T :-> T))
  Not :: Constant (T :-> T)
  Dog :: Constant (E :-> T)
  Person :: Constant (E :-> T)
  Bark :: Constant (E :-> T)
  Sleep :: Constant (E :-> T)
  Teach :: Constant (E :-> (E :-> T))
  C :: Constant E
  J :: Constant E

we can start writing things like

interpCon :: Integer -> Constant φ -> Domain φ
interpCon n Forall = \f -> FOL.Forall (FOL.Var n) (f (FOL.V (FOL.Var n)))
interpCon n Exists = \f -> FOL.Exists (FOL.Var n) (f (FOL.V (FOL.Var n)))
interpCon _ And = \p q -> FOL.And p q
interpCon _ Or = \p q -> FOL.Or p q
interpCon _ Imp = \p q -> FOL.Or (FOL.Not p) q
interpCon _ Not = \p -> FOL.Not p
interpCon _ Dog = \x -> FOL.P 3 [x]
interpCon _ Person = \x -> FOL.P 0 [x]
interpCon _ Bark = \x -> FOL.P 2 [x]
interpCon _ Sleep = \x -> FOL.P 1 [x]
interpCon _ Teach = \x y -> FOL.P 4 [y, x]
interpCon _ C = FOL.N (FOL.Name 0)
interpCon _ J = FOL.N (FOL.Name 1)

that is, by keeping track of which variable names have so far been used in the interpretation via an Integer argument.

We may now define a function interpTerm as

interpTerm :: Integer -> (forall φ.In φ γ -> Domain φ) -> Term γ ψ -> Domain ψ
interpTerm _ g (Var i) = g i
interpTerm n _ (Con c) = interpCon n c
interpTerm n g (App t u) = interpTerm n g t (interpTerm (succ n) g u)
interpTerm n g (Lam t) = \x -> interpTerm n (\i -> case i of First -> x; Next j -> g j) t
interpTerm n g (Pair t u) = (interpTerm n g t, interpTerm n g u)

Note that we increment the integer we use by 1 every time an application occurs; in particular, in the argument of the application. We do this in order to prevent any new quantifiers introduced in the scope of some quantifier from binding a variable of the same name.

Given this function, we can interpret any starting closed λ-term via

interpClosedTerm :: Term Empty φ -> Domain φ
interpClosedTerm = interpTerm 0 (\case)

2. English to first-order logic

Given our function interpExpr from the previous notes, we may now write a function

englishToFOL :: Expr S -> FOL.Form
englishToFOL = interpClosedTerm . lower . interpExpr

where we define lower as

lower :: Term γ ((T :-> T) :-> T) -> Term γ T
lower t = App t (Lam (Var First))

Note that englishToFOL doesn't actually require that the λ-term interpreting an English expression be normalized at any point (in contrast to the strategy taken in an earlier set of notes. That's because we defined the map from any given Term γ φ to Domain φ as a homomorphism from λ-calculus to Haskell! In other words, we map applications in the above to function applications in Haskell and abstractions to functions in Haskell. So β-redices may be interpreted as Haskell functions applied to Haskell arguments.

Now that we can render English sentences as first-order logic formulae, we may also prove entailments between (sets of) English sentences! The following function is like our FOL function entails, but for English.

entailsEnglish :: Int -> [Expr S] -> Expr S -> Bool
entailsEnglish n sentences sentence = entails n (map englishToFOL sentences) (englishToFOL sentence)

Author: Julian Grove

Created: 2023-12-07 Thu 21:21
