Interpreting probabilistic programs

Table of Contents

1. Overview

In the previous notes, we gave a syntactic encoding in the λ-calculus of our probabilistic programming DSL. This set of notes sets the program for interpreting this DSL into Haskell, using our theorem prover. Thus it extends the system we developed here.

To extend this interpretation scheme to our DSL, we should update our map from λ-calculus types to Haskell types, as well as our map from terms to Haskell functions.

2. The meanings of λ-calculus types

We can update our map Domain from λ-calculus types to Haskell types as follows:

type family Domain:: Type) where
  Domain E = FOL.Term
  Domain T = FOL.Form
  Domain I = [FOL.Form]
  Domain U = Expr S
  Domain R = Double
  Domain:-> ψ) = Domain φ -> Domain ψ
  Domain:/\ ψ) = (Domain φ, Domain ψ)
  Domain Unit = ()
  Domain (P φ) = ProbProg (Domain φ)

Crucially, we encode the type R of real numbers as the type Double in Haskell. We also encode our newer type I of possible worlds as the type [FOL.Form] of lists of first-order formulae. The idea behind this choice is that the role of a possible world is just to settle what the facts of the matter are, potentially about some domain. Thus any given possible world may regarded as a list of facts (encoded as first-order formulae) which hold at that world.

As for the type of probabilistic programs, we rely on a new type constructor ProbProg. Following ideas in Grove and Bernardy 2023, we can encode probabilistic programs in Haskell by giving them a continuation semantics.

newtype ProbProg a = PP { unPP :: (a -> Double) -> Double }

Specifically, any given probabilistic program that represents a probability distribution over values of type \(α\) may be viewed as a function which takes some projection function \(f : α → r\), in order to give back a real number. Such a probabilistic program is therefore of type \((α → r) → r\). The idea is that, given the projection function \(f\), \(m\) computes the expected value of \(f\), given the distribution over values of type \(α\) that it represents.

Important for our interpretation is that ProbProg gives rise to a monad:

instance Monad ProbProg where
  return a = PP (\f -> f a)
  PP m >>= k = PP (\f -> m (\x -> unPP (k x) f))

3. The meaning of λ-calculus terms

Given this encoding encoding of types, we can begin assigning meanings to terms of the λ-calculus representing probabilistic programs.

3.1. Constants

Let's look at constants first.

interpCon :: Integer -> Constant φ -> Domain φ
-- First-order logic stuff
interpCon _ C = FOL.N (FOL.Name 0)
interpCon _ J = FOL.N (FOL.Name 1)
interpCon _ (ToReal r) = r
interpCon _ And = \p q -> FOL.And p q
interpCon _ Or = \p q -> FOL.Or p q
interpCon _ Imp = \p q -> FOL.Or (FOL.Not p) (FOL.Not q)
interpCon n Forall =
  \p -> FOL.Forall (FOL.Var n) (p (FOL.V (FOL.Var n)))
interpCon n Exists =
  \p -> FOL.Exists (FOL.Var n) (p (FOL.V (FOL.Var n)))
interpCon _ Not = \p -> FOL.Not p
interpCon _ Sleep = sleep
interpCon _ Teach = teach
-- Probabilistic programming stuff
interpCon _ Indi = indi
interpCon _ ExpVal = expVal 
interpCon _ Factor = factor

The functions dedicated specifically to interpreting probabilistic programs are indi, expVal, and factor. We define in the following way. Given a formula, the indicator function checks that it is necessarily true; if so, it returns 1, otherwise 0.

indi :: FOL.Form -> Double -- i.e., Domain (T :-> R)
indi φ = if entails 11 [] φ then 1 else 0

To compute the expected value of some projection function \(f\), given a program \(m\), we feed \(f\) to \(m\) as its continuation, which gives us a weighted average the results of applying \(f\) to the values returned by \(m\). The relevant weights might not sum to 1, however, so we divide \(m(f)\) by \(m(λb.1)\). This latter quantity represents the entire mass assigned by \(m\) to the values it returns; i.e., it is the sum of all of its weights.

expVal :: ProbProg α ->-> Double) -> Double -- i.e., Domain (P α :-> ((α :-> R) :-> R))
expVal (PP m) f = m f / f (\b -> 1)

factor is defined as a program which simply factors the result of its continuation by some weight.

factor :: Double -> ProbProg ()
factor r = PP (\f -> r * f ())

When factor r is sequenced with some other program, that program effectively acts as its continuation. Thus whatever weight the program is assigned in the broader context, this weight is now also scaled by r.

3.2. Monadic constructors

Let's now interpret our monadic constructors Return and Let. Return gets interpreted as—you guessed it—the return of the monad ProbProg.

interpTerm :: Integer -> (forall φ.In φ γ -> Domain φ) -> Term γ ψ -> Domain ψ
interpTerm n g (Return t) = return (interpTerm n g t)

Meanwhile, Let is interpreted using the bind of the same monad.

interpTerm n g (Let t u) =
  interpTerm n g t >>= \x -> interpTerm n (\i -> case i of First -> x; Next j -> g j) u

Notice our use of variable assignments (things of type forall φ.In φ γ -> Domain φ) here, which is analogous to how we use them when we interpret λ-terms built using the Lam constructor.

interpTerm n _ (Con c) = interpCon n c
interpTerm _ g (Var v) = g v
interpTerm n g (App t u) = interpTerm (succ n) g t (interpTerm (succ n) g u)
interpTerm n g (Lam t) =
  \x -> interpTerm n (\i -> case i of First -> x; Next j -> g j) t   

Author: Julian Grove

Created: 2023-12-12 Tue 17:54
