Haskell: variables, data types, patterns, and recursion

Table of Contents

Let's first do some quick review of things we went over today. Exercises are at the end.

1. Review

1.1. let bindings

A let binding can be used to define a local variable anywhere you want:

five :: Integer
five = let x = 2
       in x + 3

or, you can even type in your REPL:

ghci> let x = 2 in x + 3

1.2. where clauses

A where clause can be used to define a local variable inside of another definition:

alsoFive :: Integer
alsoFive = x + 3
  where x = 2

1.3. Anonymous functions

Functions are first-class in Haskell, so they are treated like other data. This means that we can write function literals, or anonymous functions (since they don't need to be named by some identifier).

addFour :: Integer -> Integer
addFour = \x -> x + 4

This function adds 4 to its single Integer argument.

1.4. Sum types

Consider the following algebraic data type definition:

data Fruit
  = Cherry
  | Strawberry
  | Orange
  | Pretzel
  | Pear
  | Banana
  deriving Show

Fruit is what is called a sum type.

  • It enumerates all values it can have in different branches, delimiting these values with a |.
  • In each branch is what is called a data constructor.
  • The name of a data constructor in Haskell must begin with a capital letter (just like the name of a data type).
  • Note the deriving Show, which allows us to print values of the data type out in a REPL.

1.5. N-ary constructors

The Fruit sum type is an odd special case, in that its data constructors don't carry an extra information besides their identity. Something more common might have data constructors carry additional data; e.g., one data constructor could carry a Bool and one could carry a String:

data BoolOrString
  = B Bool
  | S String
  deriving Show

This allows us to write functions that take either a Bool or a String as their input, using pattern matching:

typeFlipper :: BoolOrString -> BoolOrString
typeFlipper (S "Julian") = B True
typeFlipper (B True) = S "Stephanie"
typeFlipper (B False) = S "Pavlo"
typeFlipper (S str) = S str

By the way, you might be wondering: if a data constructor can take an argument, does that mean it's a function? The answer is ``yes'':

ghci> :t B
B :: Bool -> BoolOrString
ghci> :t S
S :: String -> BoolOrString

1.6. Pattern matching: order matters

Pattern branches get checked in top-to-bottom order. Check out the following example:

onlyRochester :: String -> String
onlyRochester "Rochester" = "Rochester"
onlyRochester str = "Not Rochester, but rather " ++ str

Flipping the branches would make the definition effectively stop at the first branch, since str is a wildcard over all possible strings:

onlyRochesterFlipped :: String -> String
onlyRochesterFlipped str = "Not Rochester, but rather " ++ str
onlyRochesterFlipped "Rochester" = "Rochester"

onlyRochesterFlipped will never return "Rochester".

1.7. Case expressions

You can also use a case expression to do pattern matching:

lengthOrTruthValue :: BoolOrString -> Int
lengthOrTruthValue x = case x of
  S s -> length s
  B b -> if b then 1 else 0

Case expressions do more than just pattern match—they also evaluate the expression between the case and the of:

even' :: Integer -> Bool
even' n = case n `mod` 2 of
  0 -> True
  _ -> False

1.8. As patterns

An as pattern (written with an @ sign) allows you to bind an identifier to an argument which has been deconstructed into a pattern:

doubleString :: BoolOrString -> BoolOrString
doubleString b@(B _) = b
doubleString (S str) = S (str ++ str)

b here is restricted to being instantiated by a B x (for some x). So what this definition says is that when you feed doubleString a B x, it just returns it back to you.

1.9. Pattern guards

Pattern guards are useful when you want to further restrict the applicability of a branch of a definition to patterns that satisfy some boolean condition:

amIEven :: Integer -> String
amIEven n
  | n `mod` 2 == 0 = "Yes!"
  | otherwise = "No :("

You use a | after the relevant pattern and then state the condition. (Note that otherwise here is just defined as True.)

1.10. Lists

Lists are deeply baked into Haskell, so we can't look at the source code. But we can roll our own:

data List a
  = Empty
  | Cons a (List a)
  deriving Show

1.11. Haskell lists

For convenience, Haskell lets you type, e.g., ['a', 's', 'd', 'f'] for a list literal. When you see this, you should have in mind the following:

('a' : ('s' : ('d' : ('f' : []))))

Everything is one of two cases; either:

  • any empty list
  • something cons-ed onto a list

1.12. Appending stuff

Let's define our first recursive function, append:

append :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
append [] l = l
append (a : l1) l2 = a : (append l1 l2)

1.13. [a] to List a

Here's how we could write a recursive function that maps values of type List a to values of type [a]:

listToHaskellList :: List a -> [a]
listToHaskellList Empty = []
listToHaskellList (Cons a l) = a : listToHaskellList l

1.14. map

Haskell has a built-in function map for mapping functions of type a -> b to functions from lists of a's to lists of b's.

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

How does map work?…

  • We need a branch in the definition that applies to the empty list.
  • We need a branch in the definition that applies to non-empty lists.

This fits the bill:

ourMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
ourMap f [] = []
ourMap f (a : as) = f a : ourMap f as

1.15. filter

Filter takes a predicate, i.e., a function of from a's to Bool's, along with a list of a's, in order to give back a list of the a's that satisfy the predicate.

filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

How does filter work?…

  • We need a branch in the definition that applies to the empty list.
  • We need a branch in the definition that applies to non-empty lists.

This works:

ourFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
ourFilter p [] = []
ourFilter p (a : as) = if p a then a : ourFilter p as else ourFilter p as

1.16. foldr and foldl

Haskell has functions foldr and foldl that each take a two-place operation, a starting value, and some list, in order to iteratively apply the function to the elements of the list, one-by-one.

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

1.17. foldr

foldr, in a way, conceptualizes a list as right-branching. Note the following behavior:

ghci> foldr (++) "0" ["7", "8", "9", "10"]

How would foldr be defined, such that it produces this behavior? This could work:

ourFoldR f b [] = b
ourFoldR f b (a : as) = f a (ourFoldR f b as)

1.18. foldl

Meanwhile, foldl conceptualizes a list as left-branching. It behaves as follows:

ghci> foldl (++) "0" ["7", "8", "9", "10"]

2. Exercises

2.1. Part 1

Consider a function ourFoldL with the following type:

ourFoldL :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

Imagine that it behaves as foldl does—that is, in the way illustrated above. Write a definition for ourFoldL that produces this behavior.

2.2. Part 2

Recall the definition of ourFilter above:

ourFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
ourFilter p [] = []
ourFilter p (a : as) = if p a then a : ourFilter p as else ourFilter p as

Define a new function ourFilter' with the same type and behavior as ourFilter, but which invokes foldr. That is, you should be able to define ourFilter' in a single line, without separately defining a base case and a recursive case. Note that b in the type of foldr can be anything!

2.3. Part 3

Define a function

takeWhile' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

which behaves as follows: it takes a predicate, along with a list, and returns the longest prefix of the list all of whose members satisfy the predicate. That is, as soon as some element of the list fails to satisfy the list up until that point. For example, it should behave as follows:

ghci> takeWhile' even' [2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 2, 3]

2.4. Part 4

Define a function

takeWhile'' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

which behaves in the same way as takeWhile', but which is defined in a way that invokes either foldr or foldl.

Author: Julian Grove

Created: 2023-09-07 Thu 00:03
