While you were partying, I studied the λ-calculus

Table of Contents

1. Review

Today's goal was to give ourselves the tools to define recursive functions in the untyped λ-calculus, using the factorial function on natural numbers as an illustrative example. This function can be defined as follows in Haskell:

factorial :: Nat -> Nat
factorial n = if n == Zero then Succ Zero else mult n (factorial (pred n))
  where mult :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
        mult Zero n = Zero
        mult (Succ m) n = plus n (mult m n)

        plus :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
        plus Zero n = n
        plus (Succ m) n = Succ (plus n m)

        pred :: Nat -> Nat
        pred Zero = Zero
        pred (Succ n) = n

Crucially, this definition of factorial makes a recursive call to factorial, i.e., inside the second branch of the if statement. Thus when we define this function in the λ-calculus, we'll want to have a way of making recursive calls of this kind: \[\mathtt{factorial} ≝ λn.\mathtt{ifThenElse}\,(\mathtt{isZero}\,n)\,⌜1⌝\, (\mathtt{mult}\,n\,(\mathtt{factorial}\,(\mathtt{pred}\,n)))\]

Before we get there, let's look at the two functions \(\mathtt{factorial}\) uses which we haven't previously defined: \(\mathtt{isZero}\) and \(\mathtt{pred}\).

1.1. \(\mathtt{isZero}\)

We want to define \(\mathtt{isZero}\) in such a way that, given some argument \(n = λs, z.…\) , it passes \(n\) two arguments in a way that causes it to return \(𝕋\) if \(n\) is \(⌜0⌝\) and \(𝔽\) if \(n\) is some larger number. The following definition does the trick: \[\mathtt{isZero} ≝ λn.n\,(λb.𝔽)\,𝕋\] If \(n\) is \(⌜0⌝\), it will return its second argument, \(𝕋\); if \(n\) is some other number, it will return the result of applying \(λb.𝔽\) to whatever is the argument of the highest bound \(s\), giving back \(𝔽\).

1.2. \(\mathtt{pred}\)

We want to define \(\mathtt{pred}\) in such a way that, given an argument \(n = λs, z.s\,(m\,s\,z)\), it simply gives back \(m\) (i.e., \(n\)'s predecessor). The following definition does this: \[\mathtt{pred} ≝ λn.π_1\,(n\,(λp.⟨π_2\,p, \mathtt{succ}\,(π_2\,p)⟩)\,⟨⌜0⌝, ⌜0⌝⟩)\] It's easiest to see why this definition works by looking at examples. Taking the predecessor of \(⌜0⌝\), for instance, gives the following result: \[\mathtt{pred}\,⌜0⌝\] \[→_β\,\,\,π_1\,(⌜0⌝\,(λp.⟨π_2\,p, \mathtt{succ}\,(π_2\,p)⟩)\,⟨⌜0⌝, ⌜0⌝⟩)\] \[=\,\,\,π_1\,((λs, z.z)\,(λp.⟨π_2\,p, \mathtt{succ}\,(π_2\,p)⟩)\,⟨⌜0⌝, ⌜0⌝⟩)\] \[→_β^*\,\,\,π_1\,⟨⌜0⌝, ⌜0⌝⟩\] \[→_β^*\,\,\,⌜0⌝\] In other words, the predecessor of \(⌜0⌝\) is just \(⌜0⌝\), according to \(\mathtt{pred}\). If instead we take the predecessor of, say, \(⌜2⌝\), we'd get the following result: \[\mathtt{pred}\,⌜2⌝\] \[→_β^*\,\,\,\mathtt{pred}\,(λs, z.s\,(s\,z))\] \[→_β\,\,\,π_1\,((λs, z.s\,(s\,z))\,(λp.⟨π_2\,p, \mathtt{succ}\,(π_2\,p)⟩)\,⟨⌜0⌝, ⌜0⌝⟩)\] \[→_β\,\,\,π_1\,((λz.(λp.⟨π_2\,p, \mathtt{succ}\,(π_2\,p)⟩)\,((λp.⟨π_2\,p, \mathtt{succ}\,(π_2\,p)⟩)\,z))\,⟨⌜0⌝, ⌜0⌝⟩)\] \[→_β\,\,\,π_1\,((λp.⟨π_2\,p, \mathtt{succ}\,(π_2\,p)⟩)\,((λp.⟨π_2\,p, \mathtt{succ}\,(π_2\,p)⟩)\,⟨⌜0⌝, ⌜0⌝⟩))\] There are now two β-redices. Targeting the more embedded one first gives us \[→_β\,\,\,π_1\,((λp.⟨π_2\,p, \mathtt{succ}\,(π_2\,p)⟩)\,{(\color{red}(λp.⟨π_2\,p,\mathtt{succ}\,(π_2\,p)⟩)\,⟨⌜0⌝, ⌜0⌝⟩)})\] \[→_β^*\,\,\,π_1\,((λp.⟨π_2\,p, \mathtt{succ}\,(π_2\,p)⟩)\,⟨⌜0⌝, \mathtt{succ}\,⌜0⌝⟩)\] \[→_β^*\,\,\,π_1\,\,⟨\mathtt{succ}\,⌜0⌝, \mathtt{succ}\,(\mathtt{succ}\,⌜0⌝)⟩\] \[→_β^*\,\,\,\mathtt{succ}\,⌜0⌝\] \[→_β^*\,\,\,λs, z.s\,z\] In other words, the predecessor of \(⌜2⌝\) is (β-equivalent to) \(⌜1⌝\).

1.3. Fixed points

To make recursive calls in the λ-calculus, we will define recursive functions as fixed points. A fixed point of a function \(f\) is a value \(x\) such that \(f\,x = x\). We will find fixed points of functions by using a fixed point combinator; that is, some function \(F\) which when applied to \(f\), gives back such an \(x\). That is, we want \(F\) to be such that \[f\,(F\,f) ≡_β F\,f\] The reason we can define recursive functions, such as \(\mathtt{factorial}\), as fixed points is because their definitions have the following shape, in general, for some \(M\): \[\mathtt{factorial} = M[x:=\mathtt{factorial}]\] Here, \(x\) just marks wherever the recursive call is actually made inside \(M\). In the case of \(\mathtt{factorial}\), \(x\) would be inside the second branch of the \(\mathtt{ifThenElse}\) statement—the part that says `\(\mathtt{factorial}\)'. Viewing \(\mathtt{factorial}\) this way allows us to define it as the following fixed point: \[\mathtt{factorial} ≝ F\,(λx.M)\] Why? Because now, we know that its definition satisfies the following equivalence: \[F\,(λx.M) ≡_β (λx.M)\,(F\,(λx.M))\] \[▹_β\,\,\,M[x:=F\,(λx.M)]\] That is, we have that \(\mathtt{factorial} ≡_β M[x:=\mathtt{factorial}]\)!

This discussion gives us a general recipe for defining recursive functions:

  • Step 1: give a single-line definition of the function using an indentifier, which somewhere makes a call to itself, just like we did for \(\mathtt{factorial}\) in §1.
  • Step 2: stick a fresh variable into the position(s) of the call, and immediately abstract over it at the top of the definition-in-progress.
  • Step 3: apply a fixed-point combinator \(F\) to the result.
  • Step 4: profit???

Given some fixed-point combinator \(F\) that does the job, we can, using this recipe, define \(\mathtt{factorial}\) as the following fixed point: \[\mathtt{factorial} ≝ F\,(λx, n.\mathtt{ifThenElse}\,(\mathtt{isZero}\,n)\,⌜1⌝\,(\mathtt{mult}\,n\,(x\,(\mathtt{pred}\,n))))\]

1.4. The \(Y\)-combinator

Crucially, we can define a fixed-point combinator, i.e., which behaves like \(F\). The following is what is known as the \(Y\)-combinator: \[Y ≝ λf.(λx.f\,(x\,x))\,(λx.f\,(x\,x))\] Note that, for any \(f\), we have \[Y\,f\] \[=\,\,\,(λf.(λx.f\,(x\,x))\,(λx.f\,(x\,x)))\,f\] \[▹_β\,\,\,(λx.f\,(x\,x))\,(λx.f\,(x\,x))\] \[▹_β\,\,\,f\,((λx.f\,(x\,x))\,(λx.f\,(x\,x)))\] \[≡_β\,\,\,f\,(Y\,f)\] So, for example, \(Y\) can go in place of \(F\) up above in the definition \(\mathtt{factorial}\).

To illustrate this all in action, let's compute (most of) \(\mathtt{factorial}\,⌜3⌝\). \[\mathtt{factorial}\,⌜3⌝\] \[=\,\,\,Y\,(λx, n.\mathtt{ifThenElse}\,(\mathtt{isZero}\,n)\,⌜1⌝\,(\mathtt{mult}\,n\,(x\,(\mathtt{pred}\,n))))\,⌜3⌝\] Given the demonstration above, we can continue this as \[≡_β\,\,\,(λx, n.\mathtt{ifThenElse}\,(\mathtt{isZero}\,n)\,⌜1⌝\,(\mathtt{mult}\,n\,(x\,(\mathtt{pred}\,n))))\,\mathtt{factorial}\,⌜3⌝\] \[→_β\,\,\,(λn.\mathtt{ifThenElse}\,(\mathtt{isZero}\,n)\,⌜1⌝\,(\mathtt{mult}\,n\,(\mathtt{factorial}\,(\mathtt{pred}\,n))))\,⌜3⌝\] \[→_β\,\,\,\mathtt{ifThenElse}\,(\mathtt{isZero}\,⌜3⌝)\,⌜1⌝\,(\mathtt{mult}\,⌜3⌝\,(\mathtt{factorial}\,(\mathtt{pred}\,\,⌜3⌝)))\] \[→_β^*\,\,\,\mathtt{mult}\,⌜3⌝\,(\mathtt{factorial}\,(\mathtt{pred}\,\,⌜3⌝))\] \[≡_β\,\,\,\mathtt{mult}\,⌜3⌝\,(\mathtt{factorial}\,⌜2⌝)\] \[≡_β\,\,\,\mathtt{mult}\,⌜3⌝\,((λx, n.\mathtt{ifThenElse}\,(\mathtt{isZero}\,n)\,⌜1⌝\,(\mathtt{mult}\,n\,(x\,(\mathtt{pred}\,n))))\,\mathtt{factorial}\,⌜2⌝)\] \[→_β\,\,\,\mathtt{mult}\,⌜3⌝\,((λn.\mathtt{ifThenElse}\,(\mathtt{isZero}\,n)\,⌜1⌝\,(\mathtt{mult}\,n\,(\mathtt{factorial}\,(\mathtt{pred}\,n))))\,⌜2⌝)\] \[→_β\,\,\,\mathtt{mult}\,⌜3⌝\,(\mathtt{ifThenElse}\,(\mathtt{isZero}\,⌜2⌝)\,⌜1⌝\,(\mathtt{mult}\,⌜2⌝\,(\mathtt{factorial}\,(\mathtt{pred}\,⌜2⌝))))\] \[→_β^*\,\,\,\mathtt{mult}\,⌜3⌝\,(\mathtt{mult}\,⌜2⌝\,(\mathtt{factorial}\,(\mathtt{pred}\,⌜2⌝)))\] \[≡_β\,\,\,\mathtt{mult}\,⌜3⌝\,(\mathtt{mult}\,⌜2⌝\,(\mathtt{factorial}\,⌜1⌝))\] and so on, until we get to \[≡_β\,\,\,\mathtt{mult}\,⌜3⌝\,(\mathtt{mult}\,⌜2⌝\,⌜1⌝)\] \[≡_β ⌜6⌝\]

1.5. More combinators

Recall the definition of a fixed point combinator \(F\): \[F\,f ≡_β f\,(F\,f)\] where \(f\) is arbitrary. What's kind of interesting about this definition is that it almost looks kind of like a recursive equation. Here's how. Let's first abstract over the \(f\) on both sides of the equivalence to get the following equivalence instead: \[λf.F\,f ≡_β λf.f\,(F\,f)\] Notice that the left side is now an η-redex, which we can contract: \[F ≡_{βη} λf.f\,(F\,f)\] That is, a fixed-point combinator itself has a definition that makes it look like a kind of fixed point. Specifically it is the fixed point of \[λx, f.f\,(x\,f)\] Given that we already have a fixed-fixed point combinator \(Y\), we can get the fixed point of this function by applying \(Y\) to it: \[Y\,(λx, f.f\,(x\,f))\] \[=\,\,\,(λf.(λx.f\,(x\,x))\,(λx.f\,(x\,x)))\,(λx, f.f\,(x\,f))\] \[→_β\,\,\,(λx.(λx, f.f\,(x\,f))\,(x\,x))\,(λx.(λx, f.f\,(x\,f))\,(x\,x))\] \[→_β^*\,\,\,(λx, f.f\,(x\,x\,f)))\,(λx, f.f\,(x\,x\,f))\] Note that if we define the abbreviation \[θ ≝ λx, f.f\,(x\,x\,f)\] then we can define the above combinator as simply \(θ\,θ\).

2. Exercises

2.1. Part 1

One of the things we saw how to do with a list is take its first element via \(\mathtt{head}\). \[\mathtt{head} ≝ λl.l\,𝕋\,𝔽\] Can you define a function \(\mathtt{tail}\) which takes the tail of a list? That is, it should behave as follows: \[\mathtt{tail}\,⌜[]⌝ ≡_β ⌜[]⌝\] \[\mathtt{tail}\,⌜a : l⌝ ≡_β ⌜l⌝\] Hint: remember \(\mathtt{pred}\)?!

2.2. Part 2

Define \(\mathtt{filter}\) from the last assignment as a fixed point.

Author: Julian Grove

Created: 2023-09-26 Tue 13:20
