Encoding Intuitionistic Logic proofs

Table of Contents

1. Review

We've now begun encoding propositional logic proofs in Haskell. Doing this involved a few steps, which we rehash here in turn.

1.1. Formulae

We defined formulae using the standard way of defining a set of syntactic objects in Haskell, i.e., in terms of an algebraic data type. Given a set of atomic formulae

data Atom = P | Q | R deriving (Show)

we can define the set of all formulae as a data type Form:

data Form = At Atom       -- atomic formulae
          | Form :/\ Form -- conjunctions
          | Form :\/ Form -- disjunctions
          | Form :-> Form -- implications
          | Taut          -- tautology
          | Contr         -- contradiction
     deriving (Show)

For example, we represent the formula \(p ∧ q\) as the expression At P :/\ At Q, the formula \(p → q\) as At P :-> At Q, the formula \(p ∨ (q → r)\) as At P :\/ (At Q :-> At R), and so on, all of these expressions being of type Form.

1.2. Being in a context

Ultimately, we want to have a way of encoding judgments of the form \(Γ ⊢ φ\). But before we get there, we need to go about encoding contexts \(Γ\), as well as talk about what it means for some assumption \(x : φ\) to be in a context \(Γ\).

As for contexts, we can encode them as an algebraic data type analogous to lists:

data Context = Empty | Cons Form Context

With contexts at hand, we can begin talking, in Haskell, about what it means for some assumption to be in a context. In particular, we use the following encoding of ways of being in a context as a generalized algebraic data type (GADT):

data In:: Form) (γ :: Context) where
  First :: In φ (Cons φ γ)
  Next :: In φ γ -> In φ (Cons ψ γ)

We have done a couple of novel things here, which require particular Haskell language extensions. First, we've encoded the data type In φ γ as a GADT, necessitating the following language extension, which should go at the top of your Haskell file:


Second, we have begun using data types themselves, i.e., Form and Context as the types of parameters of a new type constructor In.1 Note that this is very different from how data types are usually defined—even data types like List a:

data List a = Empty | Cons a (List a)

Here, the a in List a is a type (specifically, it can be any type). But the φ of In φ γ isn't a type; it's a Form! Similarly, the γ of In φ γ isn't a type either; it's a Context! In order to allow not only types but data to serve as the parameters of data types, we need to turn on two other language extensions:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}

The first language extension, DataKinds, allows data to be promoted to the same level as types; i.e., so that it can serve as the parameter of a type constructor, for example, in the way that a formula φ can be the parameter of the type constructor In. The second, KindSignatures, allows new data types to be declared by annotating their parameters with what kind of data they should be (e.g., (φ :: Form) and (γ :: Context) above).

Thus what the data type In φ γ encodes is a way of an index into some context γ which correspond to an assumption of φ. For example, if you were to request the type of First in your ghci repl, you would get

>>> :t First
First :: In φ (Cons φ γ)

meaning that First just indexes the first element of the context Cons φ γ. If you were to request the type of, e.g., Next First, you would get

>>> :t Next First
Next First :: In φ (Cons ψ (Cons φ γ))

meaning that Next First indexes the second element of the context Cons ψ (Cons φ γ). And so on. In other words, the data type In φ γ just gives us all the possible ways that some formula φ could be in a context γ; i.e., by being the first element, the second element, etc.

1.3. Building proofs

We can continue by declaring a data type to encode proofs. In general, the constructors of this data type act as functions: they either take a way of being in a context onto an axiom that crucially uses that way of being in a context, or they take old proofs onto new proofs. In the former case, we are simply encoding the axiom rule: \[\frac{φ ∈ Γ}{Γ ⊢ φ}\mathtt{Ax}\] or, translated into Haskell,

data Proof:: Context) (φ :: Form) where
  Ax :: In φ γ -> Proof γ φ

In the latter case, we are encoding the rules of Intuitionistic Logic, e.g., \(∧\mathtt{I}\), \(∨\mathtt{E}\), etc. As we saw in class, we can continue the declaration of Proof γ φ by encoding the rules \(∨\mathtt{I}_L\), \(∨\mathtt{I}_R\), and \(∨\mathtt{E}\):

data Proof:: Context) (φ :: Form) where
  Ax :: In φ γ -> Proof γ φ
  OrIntroL :: Proof γ φ -> Proof γ (φ :\/ ψ)
  OrIntroR :: Proof γ ψ -> Proof γ (φ :\/ ψ)
  OrElim :: Proof γ (φ :\/ ψ) -> Proof (Cons φ γ) χ -> Proof (Cons ψ γ) χ -> Proof γ χ

2. Exercises

Finish declaring Proof γ φ. That is, fill in the following types:

data Proof:: Context) (φ :: Form) where
  Ax :: In φ γ -> Proof γ φ                  -- Ax
  OrIntroL :: Proof γ φ -> Proof γ (φ :\/ ψ) -- ∨I_L
  OrIntroR :: Proof γ ψ -> Proof γ (φ :\/ ψ) -- ∨I_R
  OrElim :: Proof γ (φ :\/ ψ) -> Proof (Cons φ γ) χ -> Proof (Cons ψ γ) χ -> Proof γ χ -- ∨E
  AndIntro :: _  -- ∧I
  AndElimL :: _  -- ∧E_L
  AndElimR :: _  -- ∧E_R
  ArrIntro :: _  -- →I
  ArrElim :: _   -- →E
  TautIntro :: _ -- ⊤I
  ContrElim :: _ -- ⊥E

Refer to the rules!


Author: Julian Grove

Created: 2023-10-05 Thu 09:38
