$$\def\IF#1{[\hspace{-0.8mm}[#1]\hspace{-0.8mm}]}$$ $$\def\divd{\ |\ }$$

Formal preliminaries

Table of Contents

1. Overview

We introduce here the basic concepts of set, product, relation, function, and then, finally, language.

1.1. Sets

A set is, intuitively speaking, a collection of objects, which we call the elements or members of the set. Any talk about sets is understood in the context of some universe of discourse. All sets inhabit this universe, as do any of the objects which we may consider to be members of a set. We may, for example, want to have things like words or natural numbers inhabit this universe. When analyzing the semantics of English, we may include other things too, like entities or individuals.

For any set \(A\) and any object \(a\) in the universe, either one of the following two things is true. \[\begin{align*} a ∈ A \tag{$a$ is a member of $A$}\\ a ∉ A \tag{$a$ is not a member of $A$} \end{align*}\] Moreover, sets are defined by their members. That means that, for every \(a\) in the universe, if \(a ∈ A\) if and only if \(a ∈ B\), then \(A\) and \(B\) are the same set. This is the principle of extensionality for sets.

We will generally help ourselves to two kinds of notation for specifying sets: list notation and predicate (or set-comprehension) notation. In list notation, we define a set by enumerating its elements between curly braces. For example, \[\{1, 2, 3\}\] is just the set \(A\) such that \(1 ∈ A\), \(2 ∈ A\), \(3 ∈ A\), and nothing else is \(∈ A\). Because of extensionality, \(\{1, 2, 3\}\) is the same set as \(\{1, 1, 2, 3\}\) is the same set as \(\{3, 2, 2, 1\}\), etc. Using predicate notation, we can specify the very same set as \[\{x \divd x = 1 \text{ or } x = 2 \text{ or } x = 3\}\] In general, in writing `\(\{a\) \(|\) \(φ\}\)', \(a\) will be an expression with some number of variables occurring in it, and \(φ\) will be sentence expressing a condition on the values of these variables — any number of the variables in \(a\), and just these, can occur in \(φ\). In the example above, \(a\) just was the variable \(x\), and the condition expressed was that the value of \(x\) be either 1, 2, or 3.

But we could also use predicate notation, as in \[\{x + 1 \divd x = 1 \text{ or } x = 2 \text{ or } x = 3\}\] where \(a\) is the complex expression `\(x + 1\)', to specify the set \(\{2, 3, 4\}\).

Importantly, there is an empty set, which we'll write `\(∅\)'. It has no members, i.e., \(a ∉ ∅\) for any \(a\) in the universe. It can also be written in list notation as `\(\{\}\)'.

Given any two sets \(A\) and \(B\), we'll have the following set-forming operations. \[\begin{align*} &a ∈ A \cup B &\textit{if $a ∈ A$ or $a ∈ B$}\tag{union}\\ &a ∈ A \cap B &\textit{if $a ∈ A$ and $a ∈ B$}\tag{intersection}\\ &a ∈ A - B &\textit{if $a ∈ A$ and $a ∉ B$}\tag{set difference} \end{align*}\] In addition, we say one set \(A\) is a subset of another set \(B\) \[A ⊆ B\] just in case every \(a ∈ A\) is also \(∈ B\). If, in addition, there is some \(b ∈ B\) such that \(b ∉ A\), we may write \[A ⊂ B\] (\(A\) is a proper subset of \(B\)) to indicate this. Because of extensionality, \(A = B\) just in case both \(A ⊆ B\) and \(B ⊆ A\).

We may sometimes refer to sets using notation for generalized intersection and union. If \(S\) is a set all of whose members are also sets, we write \[⋃ S\] to mean \(\{x\) \(|\) \(x ∈ A\) for some \(A ∈ S\}\); that is, we squash \(S\) into the union of all of its members. Likewise, we write \[⋂ S\] to mean \(\{x\) \(|\) \(x ∈ A\) for every \(A ∈ S\}\); that is, we squash \(S\) into the intersection of all of its members. As a further convention, we may write \[⋂_φ A\] to mean \[⋂\text{$\{A$ $|$ $φ\}$}\] and, likewise, \[⋃_φ A\] to mean \[⋃\text{$\{A$ $|$ $φ\}$}\] For example, the set of odd numbers \(\{1, 3, 5, ...\}\) could be expressed as \[⋃\{\{x + 1\} \divd x \text{ is even}\}\] but also as \[⋃_{x \text{ is even}}\{x + 1\}\] Similarly, the set \(\{2\}\) could be expressed as \[⋂\{\{x + 1, 2\} \divd x \text{ is even}\}\] or as \[⋂_{x \text{ is even}}\{x + 1, 2\}\]

1.2. Products

Given two sets \(A\) and \(B\), we take their binary Cartesian product \[(A × B)\] to be the set of pairs of elements \(⟨a, b⟩\), where \(a ∈ A\) and \(b ∈ B\).1

We can generalize binary products to \(n\)-ary products by considering the former to correspond to the special case where \(n = 2\) and the general case \[A₁ × ... × A_{n-1} × Aₙ\] to be \[(...(A₁ × ... × A_{n-1}) × Aₙ)\] For example, \(A × B × C\) is just \(((A × B) × C)\); as such, its members are pairs \(⟨⟨a, b⟩, c⟩\), which is just how we can encode 3-tuples \(⟨a, b, c⟩\).

1.3. Relations

An \(n\)-ary relation on the sets \(A₁, ..., Aₙ\) is a set \(R\) such that \(R ⊆ A₁ × ... × Aₙ\). In the special case of a binary relation on two sets \(A\) and \(B\), \(R\) is a set of pairs \(⟨a, b⟩\), such that \(a ∈ A\) and \(b ∈ B\). That is, \(R ⊆ A × B\). For \(n\)-ary relations \(R\), if the \(n\)-tuple \(⟨a₁, ..., aₙ⟩\) is a member of \(R\), we can indicate this by writing \[R(a₁, ..., aₙ)\] In the special case where \(n = 2\), we may also sometimes use infix notation, writing `\(a_1 R a_2\)'.

Some properties of relations are useful to be able to describe. A relation \(R ⊆ A × A\) (that, is a relation \(R\) on \(A\)) is said to be reflexive if \(⟨x, x⟩ ∈ R\) for every \(x ∈ A\). That is, \(R\) relates everything in \(A\) to itself. A relation \(R\) on \(A\) is said to be symmetric if \(⟨y, x⟩ ∈ R\) whenever \(⟨x, y⟩ ∈ R\). It is said to be antisymmetric if the only case in which both \(⟨x, y⟩ ∈ R\) and \(⟨y, x⟩ ∈ R\) is when \(x = y\). \(R\) is said to be transitive if whenever \(⟨x, y⟩, ⟨y, z⟩ ∈ R\), then \(⟨x, z⟩ ∈ R\). A relation \(R\) on \(A\) which is reflexive, transitive, and symmetric is said to be an equivalence relation.

An important operation on relations is relation composition. Given a relation \(R₁ ⊂ A × B\) and a relation \(R₂ ⊆ B × C\), their composition \(R₂ ∘ R₁ ⊆ A × C\) is defined as \[R₂ ∘ R₁ = \{⟨x, y⟩ \divd \text{there is some $z$ such that } ⟨x, z⟩ ∈ R₁ \text{ and } ⟨z, y⟩ ∈ R₂\}\] That is, \(R₂ ∘ R₁\) is gotten by relating an element of \(A\) to an element of \(C\) just in case there is some element of \(B\) related to the first element by \(R₁\) and to the second element by \(R₂\).

If \(R\) is a relation on \(A\), then we will write \(Rⁿ\) to refer to the result of composing \(R\) with itself \(n\) times. Thus by convention: \[\begin{align*} R⁰ &= \{⟨x, x⟩ \divd x ∈ A\}\\ R¹ &= R\\ Rⁿ &= R^{n - 1} ∘ R \end{align*}\] If \(R ⊆ A × B\), we may define its inverse as the relation \(R^{-1} ⊆ B × A\) such that \(⟨y, x⟩ ∈ R^{-1}\) just in case \(⟨x, y⟩ ∈ R\). That is, \(R^{-1}\) is just like \(R\), but ``flipped around''.

1.4. Powerset

Given a set \(A\), we may take its powerset, \(2^A\), defined as \[2^A = \{B \divd B ⊆ A\}\] That is, it is the set of subsets of \(A\).

1.5. Functions

A function from a set \(A\) to a set \(B\) is a map from elements of \(A\) to elements of \(B\) which pairs each element of \(A\) with exactly one element of \(B\). If \(f\) is such a function, we write \[f : A → B\] to indicate this, and we call \(A\) the domain of the function and \(B\) the codomain of the function. If \(a ∈ A\), then we write \[f(a)\] to pick out the unique \(b ∈ B\) that \(f\) pairs \(a\) with. In case \(f(a) = b\), we call \(a\) the argument of the function \(f\), and we call \(b\) the value of the function \(f\) at \(a\).

The definition of unary functions can be generalized to that for \(n\)-ary functions by considering the latter to be a map from the product of \(n\) sets \(A₁, ..., Aₙ\) to a set \(B\). If \(f\) is such an \(n\)-ary function, we write \[f : A_1 × ... × A_n → B\] to indicate this. Given \(n\) arguments \(a₁ ∈ A₁, ..., aₙ ∈ Aₙ\), we write \[f(a_1, ..., a_n)\] to pick out out the \(b ∈ B\) that \(f\) maps \(a₁, ..., aₙ\) to.

Two properties of functions are sometimes important for certain purposes: if a function \(f\) from \(A\) (or \(A₁, ..., Aₙ\)) to \(B\) pairs each element \(a ∈ A\) (or \(n\)-tuple \(a₁ ∈ A₁, ..., aₙ ∈ Aₙ\)) with a different element \(b ∈ B\), we call \(f\) an injection (or a one-to-one function). If for each \(b ∈ B\), \(f\) pairs some or other \(a ∈ A\) (or \(n\)-tuple \(a₁, ..., aₙ\)) with it, we call \(f\) a surjection (or an onto function). If \(f\) is both an injection and a surjection, we call it a bijection from \(A\) (or \(A₁, ..., Aₙ\)) to \(B\).2

Note that there is a corresponding notion of function composition gotten by considering functions as relations. Given functions \(f : A → B\) and \(g : B → C\), their composition \(g ∘ f : A → C\) is such that \((g ∘ f)(x) = g(f(x))\), for any \(x ∈ A\). In the same vein, if \(f : A → A\), then we may write `\(fⁿ\)' to denote the function which ``applies \(f\) to an element of \(A\) \(n\) times''.

1.6. Languages

We write `\(A^n\)' to refer to the result of taking the product of the set \(A\) with itself \(n\) times. As a matter of convention, we will adopt the following equivalences. \[\begin{align*} A^0 &=_{def} \{∅\}\\ A^1 &=_{def} A\\ A^n &=_{def} A^{n-1} × A \end{align*}\] To define a language, we first define a set \(Σ\), which we call the alphabet, words, or lexicon of the language. These can be anything, in principle (phonetic forms, features of some kind, etc.). Then, a language over \(Σ\) is some set \(L\) such that \[L ⊆ ⋃_{i ∈ ℕ}Σⁱ\] where \(ℕ\) is the set of natural numbers \(\{0, 1, 2, ...\}\). Thus \(L\) is a set of \(n\)-tuples of words from \(Σ\) of any length \(n\). When we talk about languages, we will refer to tuples as strings and adopt the convention of writing, e.g., the string ⟨ the, dog, is, friendly ⟩ simply as the dog is friendly. Note that \(L\) may include \(∅\), which we will regard as the empty string (the string of length 0).

2. Examples

2.1. First

Prove that \(A ⊆ A ∪ B\).

By definition, this holds if everything in \(A\) is also in \(A ∪ B\). Recall that any \(x ∈ A ∪ B\) if \(x ∈ A\) or \(x ∈ B\). Thus any \(x ∈ A\) is such that \(x ∈ A ∪ B\), as needed.

2.2. Second

Let \(A, B ⊆ C\), and write \(¬X\) for \(C - X\). Prove that \(¬(A ∪ B) ⊆ ¬A ∩ ¬B\).

Assume \(x ∈ ¬(A ∪ B)\); then, by definition, \(x ∈ C\), but \(x ∉ A ∪ B\). Hence, \(x ∉ A\) (or else, we would have that \(x ∈ A ∪ B\)). But because \(x ∈ C\), \(x ∈ ¬A\). A similar argument applies to \(¬B\); thus \(x ∈ ¬A ∩ ¬B\). As \(x\) is arbitrary, the argument extends to any element of \(¬(A ∪ B)\), as needed.

3. Exercises

3.1. Part 1

Prove that \(A ∩ B ⊆ A\).

3.2. Part 2

Prove that \(A ∩ (B ∪ C) = (A ∩ B) ∪ (A ∩ C)\) (intersection distributes over union).

3.3. Part 3

Prove that if \(A ⊆ B\) and \(B ⊆ C\), then \(A ⊆ C\) (transitivity of \(⊆\)).

3.4. Part 4

Prove that if \(A ⊆ B\), then \(A = A ∩ B\).

3.5. Part 5

Let \(R\) be a relation on \(A\) (that is, let \(R ⊆ A²\)). Define \(R^*\) as \[R^* = ⋃_{i ∈ ℕ}Rⁱ\] That is, \(R^*\) is the relation gotten by composing \(R\) with itself any number of times (including 0 times). Prove that \(R^*\) is the least transitive reflexive relation containing \(R\). In other words, show that, for any relation \(S\) on \(A\) which is reflexive and transitive and such that \(R ⊆ S\), \(R^* ⊆ S\).

3.6. Part 6

Let \(A = \{a, b, c, d\}\) and \(R = \{⟨a, a⟩, ⟨a, b⟩, ⟨b, c⟩, ⟨c, c⟩\}\). What are the following?

  • \(R^{-1}\)
  • \(R²\)
  • \(R³\)
  • \(R^*\)
  • the least equivalence relation containing \(R\)

3.7. Part 7

Let \(R ⊆ A × B\). Define \(f_R ⊆ A × 2^B\) such that \(⟨a, X⟩ ∈ f_R\) iff (read ``if and only if'') \(X = \{b ∈ B \divd ⟨a, b⟩ ∈ R\}\). Show that \(f_R\) is a function from \(A\) to \(2^B\).

4. Useful resources



We call \(a\) the first component of such a pair and \(b\) the second component. Given a pair \(p\), we will sometimes write `\(π₁ p\)' to refer to its first component and `\(π₂ p\)' to refer to its second component. In particular: \[π₁ ⟨x, y⟩ = x\] \[π₂ ⟨x, y⟩ = y\] \[⟨π₁ x, π₂ x⟩ = x\]


A function \(f : A → B\) can be considered to be a relation on \(A\) and \(B\) where, for each \(a ∈ A\), there is exactly one \(b ∈ B\) such that \(⟨a, b⟩ ∈ f\). More generally, an \(n\)-ary function can be considered an \((n+1)\)-ary relation. This is just a particular way of encoding functions as relations — it isn't the definition of a function, i.e., a map between sets, as above.

Author: Julian Grove

Created: 2023-09-04 Mon 13:26
